It’s simple and fast to add BIG SIGNALS or BIG SIGNALS STOCKS to your Telegram group - just follow these simple steps.
Step #1: Add @BIG_SIGNALS_BOT or @BIG_SIGNALS_STOCKS to your Telegram group
After you added the bot, it will immediately send you a message with instructions and a setup link. Click the link.
Note: If BIG SIGNALS / BIG SIGNALS STOCKS is already added to your group and you want to display the setup dialog again, you can always send /setup@BIG_SIGNALS_BOT or /setup@BIG_SIGNALS_STOCKS_BOT in your chat.
Step #2: Join @BIG_SIGNALS_BOT or @BIG_SIGNALS_STOCKS via “Setup” - Link
You’ll be redirected to the Bot. Just click on “Start” at the bottom of the screen and BIG SIGNALS will welcome you.
Step #3: Add a token or stock subscription
Now, as the bot is connected with your Telegram group, you can let BIG SIGNALS / BIG SIGNALS STOCKS observe a token or a stock. Therefore, click on the button "New token". Now you have to either paste your token's contract / your stock's symbol or you can just search for a token or stock by name. BIG SIGNALS / BIG SIGNALS STOCKS will show you the search results and you have to select your desired asset. Now you're good to go!
Optional Step #3: Change your observed token's settings
If you like to, you can now specifiy which timeframes should be observed. Timeframes in technical chart analysis refer to the intervals of time that each candlestick or bar on the chart represents.
Depending on the activated TIER, BIG SIGNALS / BIG SIGNALS STOCKS offers the following timeframes:
15 minutes: Each candlestick represents 15 minutes of trading activity. Similar to the 5-minute timeframe, this is also suitable for short-term traders but provides a slightly broader perspective. It's still used by day traders but may offer a bit more stability in analysis compared to the 5-minute timeframe.
1 hour: Each candlestick represents 1 hour of trading activity. This timeframe is commonly used by swing traders who hold positions for a few hours to a few days. It provides a broader view of price movements compared to shorter timeframes, allowing traders to identify trends and patterns more clearly.
4 hours: Each candlestick represents 4 hours of trading activity. This timeframe is suitable for traders who prefer a more medium-term approach. It's often used by swing traders and position traders who hold positions for several days to weeks. It provides a clearer picture of market trends while filtering out some of the noise seen in shorter timeframes.
1 day: Each candlestick represents 1 full day of trading activity. This is the longest timeframe commonly used by traders and is suitable for long-term investors and traders. It provides a comprehensive view of price movements over a longer period, allowing traders to identify major trends and significant support and resistance levels.
5 days: Each candlestick represents 5 days of trading activity. This timeframe is useful for swing traders and position traders who hold positions for multiple weeks. It provides a broader view of market trends while reducing short-term fluctuations, making it easier to identify strong support and resistance levels.
1 month: Each candlestick represents 1 full month of trading activity. This is a long-term timeframe primarily used by investors and macro traders. It helps in analyzing large-scale trends, market cycles, and long-term support and resistance levels. Monthly charts are valuable for identifying historical patterns and major shifts in market sentiment.
Last updated